Tuesday 31 August 2010

Promise Me Tomorrow

Promise Me Tomorrow - This Picture, A Memory

When you think of summery pop rock it conjures up images of Californian beaches, high school heartbreak, and pretty boys singing about cute girls called Amy. The last thing you think of is a little town called Deal in Kent, the home of newcomers Promise Me Tomorrow.

This Picture, A Memory is 3 tracks of melodic pop rock that will have you hooked from the first 20 seconds into "How You Play The Game" with its infectious guitar hooks and head nodding drum beats.

In a scene of diluted pop punk bands all doing the same thing, Promise Me Tomorrow have a sound that is reminiscent of bands such as Spitalfield, The Get Up Kids, and Brandston, with a nod towards the current kings of the uk  scene You Me At Six, and Kids in Glass Houses, but stand out track on this record "He Who Laughs Last" could have those bands watching their backs and has radio play written all over it.

The only criticism, if any, of this cd would be the production could be more crisp, but that said it is a self released cd from a band who are willing to put the effort in to become the best and hone their sound.

Expect big from this band in the coming months, because this may well be Britain's best kept secret.

A must for any fan of You Me At Six, Kids in Glass Houses, Spitalfield, and Jimmy Eat World

Where to find them: Promise Me Tomorrow On Myspace

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