Monday 21 February 2011

Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - D.R.U.G.S new album

Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - D.R.U.G.S

So today, Craig Owens finally unleashed his latest musical offering upon us in the form of Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows (or D.R.U.G.S for short - see what they did there?).
It would be easy to write this record off without hearing it, because sometimes Craig Owens related product is like marmite, you either love his work, or you hate it. I personally love it, so regardless of what this record ended up sounding like i would probably have loved it anyway, but it is genuinely a great a record.
Do not approach this record and think you are going to get Chiodos mark II, it is much more than that, and it is so much more than just another lame screamo record which would be easy to think as the line up consists of members of From First to Last, and Story of the Year (again, both great bands in my opinion).
The album kicks off with "If You Think This Song is About You, It Probably Is" which was the first single, and is up and down, and disjointed as you can imagine, flitting between melodic electro tinged bars to distorted guitairs over Owens trademark screams. The oddly titled "Mr Owl Ate My Metal Worm" is the kind of catchy screamo tune which makes you remember when you started to like the genre, despite probably never admitting it, and "Im Here to Take The Sky" is almost a pop punk song with beautiful laced keyboards and big chorus's.
Lyrically the Owens has not been as ambiguous as in previous releases, some of the songs here are purely strewn with hateful lyrics, where as others are slightly more positive. Either way, Craig Owens does come across as someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, and is not afraid to show it.
The album will of course draw comparisons to some of the band members pasts, and it does have the obvious Chiodos elements, probably down to Owens distictive voice, and of course Matt Good (Guitar, From First to Last) is a master of his craft when it come to hammering out a Screamo/Post Hardcore tune.
All in all, the album is good from start to finish, the songs flow nicely into one another, and are simply infectious! Buy this record and get hooked on  D.R.U.G.S! (that was an awful pun, even by my standards! i wont put it in my stand up routine)

Further Listening

  • Chiodos - Craig Owens was the vocalist for this band from the start and left before they recorded their most recent album. "Alls Well That Ends Well" was a great Screamo Record!
  • Cinematic Sunrise - Released one EP on Equal Vision and was the brainchild of Craig Owens, and Bradley Bell of Chiodos. Summery piano led pop rock :)
  • Isles and Glaciers - Supergroup comprising of Craig Owens, Jonny Craig, and members of Pierce the Veil and Emarosa amongst others, released one album of disjointed and melodic Screamo, only played one show too, which can be viewed on YouTube! watch it, its unreal!
Where to Hear Them

Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows on Facebook

As you can probably tell, im a big fan of Craig Owens and all his work, so this little write up was massively biased, get the record and make of it what you will, but i assure you that you will not be dissapointed!

Glen xo

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