Saturday 19 February 2011

Top 5 Bands from New Jersey

New Jersey, is small state that is bordered by New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. This little state has produced some of the greatest music in recent memory. Of course knows the big ones, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, and of course Frank Sinatra, but i wanna talk about some of the smaller acts.
The Jersey punk and hardcore scene was born out of small bar shows, and basement shows in New Brunswick, and some of the bands went on to be world renowned, some maintained a hardworking punk rock ethic, and some unfortunately faded away. So this is my "Top 5 Bands From New Jersey" (in no particular order)


Try to pick a sub genre of punk to pigeonhole Lifetime into and its nearly impossible. Punk Rock, Pop Punk, Hardcore Punk, Emo Punk.... the list goes on. The bottom line is, that Lifetime were a working class punk band with DIY ethics, and sang about things that everyone goes through everyday. They sang about hanging out with your friends, the nervousness when trying to talk to girls, going to shows, listening to music, having your heart broken, breaking a girls heart, and all the other things you go through when you are young, dumb, and have no worries apart from every day life. 
A stark contrast to the dark and often negative lyrics of alot of hardcore punk bands
They formed in New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1990 with Vocalist Ari Katz, and guitarist Dan Yemin, and released their debut album "Background" 1993. Over and above their hometown and playing now famous "New Brunswick Basement Shows" (literally what it says, kids would put shows on in their parents basements) Lifetime were relatively unknown.
Things Kicked up a notch when the band released "Hello Bastards" in 1995 on the Jade Tree label, and complete more tours outside of their hometown. Next came the high influential "Jerseys Best Dancers" in 1997, again on Jade Tree. The album is regarded as a New Jersey classic and with its 12 songs in less than 24 minutes it knocks you for six before you even noticed it began with punk classics "Cut The Tension", "The Boys No Good", and "Theme Song for a New Brunswick Basement Show". Unfortunately after this the band toured once more and then broke up.
Fast Forward 8 Years later to 2005 and Lifetime were booked to play the ever popular Hellfest in Philadelphia. The festival was cancelled and the band played 3 shows in this weekend instead.
After a number of scattered shows and a three date tour of the UK for the first time (which i went to all dates!!) the band signed to Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boys label Decaydence. They Released their fourth album "Lifetime" in 2007, and despite being on a bigger label with more exposure the band didn't sacrifice their sound, and released another punk rock record in the same vein as their classic sound! The band has apparently left the label now, and are again working on various other projects, but Lifetime is apparently still a big part of all the members lives.

Further Listening
  • Kid Dynamite - Guitarist Dan Yemin's band after lifetime, again punk rock at its best
  • Paint it Black - Dan Yemin's other band after Kid Dynamite, imagine an even faster Kid Dynamite!
Where to hear them

Saves the Day

In the vast scenes of Hardcore, Punk, and dare i use the word "Emo", its not often a band comes through and can be classed as revolutionary. Its fair to say that Saves The Day are as close to revolutionary as any band from those genres comes. 
Saves the day formed in 1994 and in 1998 signed to hardcore label Equal Vision. The Band released their debut album "Cant Slow Down" and expanded on the sound that their contemporaries Lifetime had laid the foundations for with upbeat melodic punk rock, catchy hooks and choruses, and lyrics dealing with the struggles of growning up.
In 1999 the band released "Through Being Cool", a record that even now, 12 years later is timeless and always mentioned when alot of pop punk bands talk about albums that influenced them. The band toned down the punk to an extent, and expanded on melody. Songs are still hard hitting like "You Vandal" and "Do You Know What I Love the Most", and bring out the catchiest of melodies on "Shoulder to the Wheel" and "Holly Hox, Forget Me Nots".
The band changed labels in 2001 to vagrant, and with this saw a somewhat bigger shift in musical direction, with album "Stay What You Are". It saw saves the day drop the punk sound and edge into big time pop rock, with the massive single "At Your Funeral", and slow emo number "Freakish". Alot of the bands hardcore fans started to lose faith in the band, but personally, it still stands out as a great record, and definitely and emo classic.
After some line up changes the band signed to major label Dreamworks and released "In Reverie" in 2003, and this saw almost a new Saves The Day. The album was an even further cry from their punk rock days, and sounded like a pop punk band trying to cover the Beatles. The album was strong in places but was panned by critics and fans alike.
The band was quiet for a couple of years, after being dropped by Dreamworks in a label merger, and filling a contractual obligation to Vagrant with a B sides and Rarities album "Ups and Downs".
In 2006 Saves the Day returned, this time the original member of the band was Chris Connelly
Saves the Day are still widely respected in the punk rock scene, and still to this day do not neglect their older material in their live shows, often using the internet to give fans a chance to choose their set lists.
Despite a few glitches in their discography Saves the Day will remain one of the greats and will definitely always be one of my favorite bands.

Further Listening
  • The Bug Sessions - A Set of three acoustic albums the band released originally at shows but are now available through itunes 
  • I'm Sorry I'm Leaving- An acoustic EP released before "Through Being Cool" which is a solo Chris Connelly EP, the original version contained a cover version of  "I Melt With You" by Modern English
Where to hear them


The sub genre of hardcore debate is something that can be said for Thursday. Once again a band who are hard to classify, but if i had to pigeon hole them, then i guess they would be Post-Hardcore, or "Screamo". 
The Band formed in 1997 and can started to make a name for themselves in the New Brunswick Basement show scene. Rumour has it that their first official show was in front man Geoff Ricklys basement with Midtown, Saves The Day, and Poison the Well... thats a show i would have given my right arm to attend! Around this time the band released their debut album "Waiting" on the NJ based label Eyeball.
Thursday were then picked up by Victory Records and released their benchmark classic album "Full Collapse" in 2001. It saw the band grow in popularity with singles "Understanding in a Car Crash" and "Cross  Out the Eyes". The band toured extensively but had issues with Victory and internal conflicts, which almost led to the break up of the band.
After leaving Victory Records the band signed with  major label Island, for third full length "War All the Time". It was critically acclaimed but did not seem to grab the bands hardcore fan base as much, but was a solid record, with singles "Signals Over the Air" and "War All the Time" which had a controversial video which would be banned by MTV. The band then went on and indefinite hiatus in 2004 citing Legal issues, fatigue, and creative differences as the reasons.
In 2005 some demos were leaked on to the internet for what would become Thursdays returning album "A City By The Light Divided"which was released in 2006 and had a harder edge sound to it much like "Full Collapse"
The band stayed quiet until the release of demos and b side collection "Kill the House Lights" on former label Victory, and then  in 2008 the band signed with Epitaph, and released the album "Common Existence" in 2009, which was very well received and it seemed to see Thursday shed any sort of "screamo" cliches they may have been labelled with by doubters of the band.
Its always good when a band over come so many obstacles like Thursday did, and with the planned release of a new record in 2011, its good to know they are still going strong.

Further Listening

  • United Nations - A band that never revealed the names of its members but is rumoured to feature Geoff Rickly, Daryl Palumbo (Glassjaw), and Ben Koller (Converge). It is clearly Geoffs vocals on the record, and is definitely something that everyone needs to own!!
Where to Hear Them

The Bouncing Souls

With a career that stretches as far back as 1987, its hard to know where to start with The Bouncing Souls. They are without a doubt one of the greatest US punk bands of all time, with their uplifting lyrics, and fast paced hardcore punk.
The band maintained a very DIY Ethos in there early years, and were a huge part of the underground New Brunswick scene, playing shows where ever and when ever they could.
The band released their early material either themselves or on local labels and it wasnt until 1994 when they garnered the attention of Epitaph Records and released their self titled album, which featured one of the live favorites "East Coast, Fuck You" and "Kate is Great".
In 1999 the band released "Hopeless Romantic" which added more of the fast paced punk rock element, but shortly after this album original drummer Shal Khichi left the band.
With a re jig of the line up, the band released the classic "How i Spent My Summer Vacation" which is heralded by many as their defining album, and its certainly my favorite of theres. The up beat tempos, and positive lyrics really should be the soundtrack to every summer ever!
The band have continued to release albums on Epitaph, and their own label, Chunksaah, including "Anchors Aweigh" and "Gold Record" and have never changed their morals or ethics. They stay true to their punk rock roots, and seem to be a band that will never quit! 

Further Listening

  • Every Bouncing Souls record ever.... they truly are a timeless punk band!!
Where to Hear Them

Gaslight Anthem

Now, this may sound like a bold statement, but The Gaslight Anthem are not just one of the best bands to come out of New Jersey, bu infact, one of the the greatest bands of all time. Fact. 
To someone who has never heard the band, the best way of describing them, would be if the Ramones where Bruces Springsteens  backing band. They maintain a punk rock sound, while also paying homage the greats that came from the Jersey Shore, and they wear their Springsteen influence on their sleeve, and they certainly wear it well.
The bands first album was released in 2007, and "Sink or Swim" was only a patch on the things to come. the album is largely a punk rock record, with songs like "Drive" and "\I'd a Called You Woody, Joe" blast from the speakers and knock you for six! the follow up to this was a 4 song EP "Senor and the Queen" which was released in early 2008 and had the same feel but this time the band added a more soulful element, which gave the songs a sound you could imagine being played in dancehalls and women in polka dot dresses dancing to them.
It was in August 2008 that the bands defining moment arrived. The band signed to established punk label Side One Dummy, and Released The 59 sound, an album that warmed the heart, an album that touched on every one of your senses. Brian Fallon sounds like a young Bruce Springsteen, even name checking "No Surrender" and "Bobby Jean" in the it was this album that saw them reffered to as "The Punk E street band", and its a pretty fitting title. This album made them a household name, even getting support slots with their hero Springsteen, even to the point of him joining them on stage at the Glastonbury Festival for a blast through the song "The 59 Sound".
After relentless world tours, the band released third full length "American Slang" in June 2010, which again expanded on their soul punk foot tapping sound, and even featured guest vocals from Jesse Malin on a track.
The Gaslight Anthem, are a truly inspirational band, with a working class ethic which makes them incredibly relatable, and singing about the every day struggles of the working man, and bittersweet stories about love lost. Unfortunately one day Bruce Springsteen will have to retire, but at least he can sleep easy when he does that The Gaslight Anthem are the rightful heirs to his crown.

Further Listening
  • Brian Fallon - if you trawl the internet in some legal, and illegal places (i didnt say that) you can track down a large number of Brians Solo tracks, including covers and acoustic interpretations of Gaslight songs. He did release a Split 7inch with Hot Water Music frontman Chuck Ragan, which is also fantastic!

Where to Hear Them

I could have gone on longer about the fantastic number of bands that come from New Jersey, but unfortunately once i get started on this great scene its hard for me to stop! There are still plenty of other great bands from New Jersey, and the 5 ive listed are my personal top 5, not including Springsteen... they dont call him the boss for nothing, and he will always be king of the Jersey Shore, but if you like what you heard here, check out the following :

  • Midtown
  • Senses Fail
  • Hidden in Plain View
  • The Number Twelve Looks Like You
  • Dillinger Escape Plan
  • Early November
  • Floorpunch
  • 108
  • Turning Point
  • Dog Eat Dog
  • The Misfits (how could i forget!!!)
I hope you have found this forthright and incisive... if you do wish to know anymore about the bands ive talked about, or want some more recommendations of where to start with anything i write about here, feel free to drop me an email at

Glen xo

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