Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Swellers - Good For Me

The Swellers - Good For Me

Pop punk, punk rock, or whatever you want to call it, are certainly waters much travelled these days, and in the last few years there has been an upsurge of melodic punk bands coming out of the woodwork. The Swellers are no exception, but they are definitely masters of their craft.

"Good For Me" is the bands 5th album, and they  had a tough act to follow with the superb "Ups and Downsizing" in 2009, but they have definitely had a pretty excellent stab at it.

Bursting into life with the track "Runaway" sounding like the bastard sons of Bayside and the Bouncing Souls, it starts off 35 minutes of melodic punk goodness. Catchy hooks, pounding drums, and anthemic chorus's are very much on the menu throughout this record and is one that should be played at a great volume in the summer.

Stand out tracks are lead single "Best I Ever Had" which is a perfect pop punk romance and "On the Line" which wouldnt have sounded out of place on an American Pie Movie soundtrack.

"Good For Me" isnt going to be something that you havent heard before, and by no means does this record re-invent the wheel, but to be honest, the wheel is fine as it is, so why should they re-invent it.

The Swellers make good, honest melodic punk rock that it is almost impossible not to love, so go and check them out. Below ive added a video of  "Best I Ever Had" so check it out, then go get the record!

Where to hear them

The Swellers on Facebook

For Fans of

Transit, Bouncing Souls, Bayside, Alkaline Trio, Descendants

Glen xo

Monday 20 June 2011

Title Fight - Shed

Title Fight - Shed

There's a lot of bands that get hyped up big time in the days of the internet, and social networking and such, some bands that people like just to gain cool points, some bands that get recognised just because someone cool in another band wear their t shirts, and a lot of the time they don't live up to the hype.

None of the above applies to Pennsylvania's Title Fight, the band have received a tremendous amount of hype, and have lived up to everything that has been said of them.

Shed is Title Fights first proper full length and have delivered an absolute belter. It plays firmly on the sound that the band have spent the last 6 years developing, paying homage to the punk rock greats such as Lifetime, Kid Dynamite, and Descendants, with emotionally charged lyrics in the vein of Saves the Day and Jawbreaker.

Across the 13 tracks here you will find a band that wear their influences on their sleeves, but do so in a way without being a carbon copy of their peers. Tracks like "Flood of 72" and "You Cant Say Kingston Doesn't Love You" blast from the speakers with such an energy and speed you will be knocked for six.

The band are from hardcore stock, and came from the same Wilkes-Barre scene that spawned the legendary Cold World and you can tell that ethic is firmly instilled in their music. The record is also produced by Walter Schriefels (Gorilla Biscuits, Quicksand, Rival Schools) and he has really bought out the aggression and angst in their sound.

This is definitely a record that needs to be in your collection, so go out and get a copy of it almost instantly!

Where to hear them

Title Fight on Facebook

The band are also touring the UK in July, and are playing the fantastic Hevy Festival at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in August

If you like this then try the following

Jawbreaker, Saves the Day, Seaweed, Lifetime, Kid Dynamite

Glen xo

Determined to bring this back to life...


So, im not sure if anyone actually reads this blog, and to be honest as of late i wouldnt blame you, it has after all been left to rot since february. Its hard to find the time to write on here when you work 6 days a week, and are constantly tired, but i am determined to change all that

I have in the last few weeks been thinking i should use this blog more, use it too talk music, and maybe actually get people reading it, and hopefully share some thoughts on music!

There have been some incredible releases to talk about over the last month so im gonna cram hard and write about all of them if i get the time!

So please stay tuned, please tell your friends about this blog, and please keep starting bands, keeping enjoying music, keep putting on shows, keep buying records, or downloading them, or whatever it is you do to access your music, because music is the one thing that will always be there no matter what.

Glen xo