Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Swellers - Good For Me

The Swellers - Good For Me

Pop punk, punk rock, or whatever you want to call it, are certainly waters much travelled these days, and in the last few years there has been an upsurge of melodic punk bands coming out of the woodwork. The Swellers are no exception, but they are definitely masters of their craft.

"Good For Me" is the bands 5th album, and they  had a tough act to follow with the superb "Ups and Downsizing" in 2009, but they have definitely had a pretty excellent stab at it.

Bursting into life with the track "Runaway" sounding like the bastard sons of Bayside and the Bouncing Souls, it starts off 35 minutes of melodic punk goodness. Catchy hooks, pounding drums, and anthemic chorus's are very much on the menu throughout this record and is one that should be played at a great volume in the summer.

Stand out tracks are lead single "Best I Ever Had" which is a perfect pop punk romance and "On the Line" which wouldnt have sounded out of place on an American Pie Movie soundtrack.

"Good For Me" isnt going to be something that you havent heard before, and by no means does this record re-invent the wheel, but to be honest, the wheel is fine as it is, so why should they re-invent it.

The Swellers make good, honest melodic punk rock that it is almost impossible not to love, so go and check them out. Below ive added a video of  "Best I Ever Had" so check it out, then go get the record!

Where to hear them

The Swellers on Facebook

For Fans of

Transit, Bouncing Souls, Bayside, Alkaline Trio, Descendants

Glen xo

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