Monday 20 June 2011

Determined to bring this back to life...


So, im not sure if anyone actually reads this blog, and to be honest as of late i wouldnt blame you, it has after all been left to rot since february. Its hard to find the time to write on here when you work 6 days a week, and are constantly tired, but i am determined to change all that

I have in the last few weeks been thinking i should use this blog more, use it too talk music, and maybe actually get people reading it, and hopefully share some thoughts on music!

There have been some incredible releases to talk about over the last month so im gonna cram hard and write about all of them if i get the time!

So please stay tuned, please tell your friends about this blog, and please keep starting bands, keeping enjoying music, keep putting on shows, keep buying records, or downloading them, or whatever it is you do to access your music, because music is the one thing that will always be there no matter what.

Glen xo

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